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HipTrac Helps Mother of Five with Hip OA Stay Active

"My name is Julie and I am a 47-year-old mother of 5 boys. I live in Hawaii and lead a fairly active lifestyle. My world came crumbling down when I began to have pain in my hips after activities such as running and volleyball. I went to an orthopedist and he told me that I was developing hip osteoarthritis. He told me to stop doing activities that irritated my hip and that I would need to get a hip replacement soon. Not the news that anyone wants to hear." "I went to an orthopedist who told me that I was developing hip stop doing activities that irritated my hip...get a hip replacement in the near future." "I decided to...

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30 Minutes a Day

30 Minutes: The Benefits of Daily Activity for Life We are all familiar with the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." While a healthy diet continues to be important, a more contemporary adage might be, "Thirty minutes a day keeps the doctor away." Consider the top five diseases in the United States: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and stroke. The risk for developing each of these diseases is significantly reduced by engaging in 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day. Still not convinced? Let's look at some data; it's impressive. With 30 minutes of moderate exercise (3 to 8 MET activities), we can: Reduce the number of deaths from heart disease by 30 percent in this...

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